Desire Yoga

Find your center. Know your strength. Thrive.

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Synchronicity Comes with Listening


Picture Source: Pinterest board Spirit by Jessica M.

Synchronicity happens when work and preparation come together to create some fortuitous circumstance. It’s the right place; it’s the right time. You’re the right person and good things happen.

While living in sync requires us to take cues from the world around us, part of living in sync involves listening well to ourselves. This does not happen in an egocentric way, but in a way where you ask yourself: What is true? What is real? What shall be done? Then, listen for the answer.

Recommended reading:

8 Ways to be Your Own Guru

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Build on Your Intentions


During your exploration of yoga, you may have heard or may hear a teacher reference yoga’s eight limbs. One of these limbs is svadhyaya, self-study. This concept encompasses time spent in reflection of oneself, one’s actions and activities, thoughts and relationships with others as well as actively seeking the wisdom of sacred texts and great teachers.

It is through self-study that yogis discern intentions for their practice and apply the lessons learned from their practice. These lessons eventually follow the yoga practitioner off the mat and into the rest of their day. Our intentions form the foundation of our practice and more broadly our lives.

Choose your intentions well; they become your reality.

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What Is Your Intention?

As we enter each yoga practice, we may set an intention for it. Intentions shape the means and the methods we choose to accomplish our goals. They are an important part of our practice as we grow in our understanding of Yoga’s many aspects.

The opportunities for learning and exploration afforded us by setting intentions for our yoga practices are infinite. We may choose to center a practice around steadfastness in the face of difficulty and practice poses which encourage this virtue–the Warrior Poses and Chair Pose for example.


Reverse Warrior Pose

We may choose to focus on loving kindness toward ourselves and others spending more time approaching, holding and transitioning from one pose to the next–perhaps modifying poses we would usually fully express during our practice. An example of this, would be taking Extended Puppy Pose instead of Downward Facing Dog Pose.


Extended Puppy Pose


Downward Facing Dog Pose

Choosing not to set a specific intention and allowing a practice to emerge as you go through familiar poses is an intention as well; it is the intention of being present and listening to your inner voice.
