Desire Yoga

Find your center. Know your strength. Thrive.

Yama: Ahimsa Starts with Being Kind to You


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Ahimsa is one of the yamas,  the ethical practices or restraints, yoga practitioners strive to exercise in their daily lives. This particular yama comes to mind as I follow the events in Ferguson, MO and New York City, at the University of Virginia, etc., and these are just things happening in the U.S.–the list of violent acts coming through my news feeds, seem endless. Reflecting on the nature and purpose of nonviolence seems pretty appropriate today on the eve of our Thanksgiving holiday.

♡ Nonviolence encompasses the way we behave toward others and ourselves. It includes our thoughts, our words and our deeds. The way we move through the world expresses and reflects who we are on the inside. Be kind to yourself and you will learn how to be kind to others.

♡Choosing nonviolence does not equal being a pushover. People who embrace nonviolence embrace the challenging and creative work of finding nonviolent solutions to difficult problems. Be kind to others and you will find progress and growth happening all around you–possibly with you leading the way.

♡Nonviolence like most virtues is a choice we make moment to moment and day to day. Shall I be angry? Shall I be calm? Shall I be sad? Shall I be happy? Shall I be critical? Shall I be helpful? Choose well. Be kind, because kindness leads us to compassion.


Author: dmhendricks

Desiré Hendricks is a yoga instructor with four years experience teaching yoga to students of multiple levels. She recently added Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga training to her repertoire. Beginners and experienced yogis are welcome in all classes.

2 thoughts on “Yama: Ahimsa Starts with Being Kind to You

  1. Thank you for embracing the issue of Ferguson with the graceful arms of yoga. Your perspective is refreshing, inspiring, and ultimately very comforting. Has got me thinking in the best way 😉 xx

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